Just thought you may be interested to know that the Queenie Festival was a great success.
Weather on Saturday morning was diabolical but people were very cheerful and we still had interest in our display. Saturday afternoon cheered up and volunteers on the stall set to work in explaining all that we are about.Sunday was a lovely day and we all thoroughly enjoyed the activities that were going on around us. There was tremendous interest in all the work on display and we were all kept busy in chatting to people coming into our tent. We feel we have encourage a few people to come along to a branch meeting and others to go home and get out old works left unfinished!! Overall we felt the whole two days was worthwhile.
Thanks to all who volunteered or offered to come if we were short - a good two days and perhaps we may feature in the newspaper when the Festival is reported on so look out for that.
Please now start thinking about the Royal Agricultural Show and what times you can give to man the stand there.