This talk had been well advertised and was well attended. There were probably more visitors than members, which was a shame, because it was a most interesting and entertaining talk.
Despite having the front half of her car wiped out, when turning into the hall car park, Jude Fullerton, lived up to the adage "the show must go on" and her talk was a performance in itself.
Jude with the dragon suit from the show "Mulan"
She explained how it was her job to 'translate' the director's ideas into sets and costumes. Budgets are always tight, so, for the amateur shows, mums and friends help with making or adapting costumes. Basic costumes can have many lives, being reincarnated to suit the show in production.
'Little Mermaid' costume on the right. The pink dress is "adaptable"
Jude also sources costumes online. Made in China is cheap and especially useful for a show like Mulan - and then they can be used again for "The King and I"!Sometimes, costumes have to be hired. The show in preparation at the moment is "Shrek" and the padded green ogre and donkey, are beyond the local seamstresses.
Jude is full of ideas for the local shows, so we were given a sneak preview of Donkey visiting the Home of Rest for Horses, as a promotional video.
The time just flew by and we came away with a greater understanding of the work that goes on behind the scenes, not just in getting the actors and singers up to speed but in the creation of the whole magical setting, to transport us away from the real world.
Showing some of the headgear which is often very important in creating character.