Friday, December 30, 2016

Happy New Year Everyone!

The year 2016 ended on a high note for our Branch, when Angela Teago's piece, which she stitched for our "Capability Brown Exhibition" at Milntown, was selected to be shown at all the Knitting and Stitching Shows, in London, Harrogate, and Dublin. A real feather in our caps. Well done Angela and thank you for putting us "on the map".

Let us try to make 2017 another successful year for the Isle of Man Branch. That will need you to support the meetings and workshops we have planned. (See side bar)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Christmas Celebration

Last Saturday we enjoyed a convivial lunch followed by a fun workshop, for which we were joined by the Young Embroiderers.

Provided with wire shapes, tree and heart, we set to, with copper wire and beads, to create decorations or brooches. The YE members were much more exuberant in their designs. You can guess from the photos below, which examples were theirs!

A happy Christmas to everyone and a healthy 2017.